We offer comprehensive expert services throughout the lifecycle of electrical, telecommunications, and lighting infrastructure, always listening to our clients’ needs. We provide professional services and comprehensive solutions tailored to the demanding requirements of the field. As a reliable partner, we ensure high-quality execution of projects. Explore our data center design and preliminary assessment services.
We assess the suitability of a location by ensuring reliable power supply, adequate energy provision, safety, proximity to other infrastructure, and good logistical connections. A data center can be constructed using modular components and can be located either in an existing building or a newly built facility. Modular solutions, due to their flexibility, are also suitable for future capacity changes. On behalf of the client, we handle the permitting process: we complete and submit building and operational permit applications and negotiate with municipalities and cities.
We partner with our clients in the development and upgrading of data centers when regulations change, such as with the installation of new equipment or expansion of existing functions. We assess the requirements for modifying the space for a new purpose, focusing on the electrical systems and power adequacy. We ensure that the facility’s security classification meets the necessary standards and that the data center’s equipment is up-to-date and capable of handling the required capacity
Data centers require robust, reliable, and secure electricity transmission. We assist in comparing options for network connections and selecting the appropriate voltage level. To support these decisions, we provide detailed plans for implementation and sufficient calculations of costs and technical constraints for different alternatives. We offer design and permitting services for network connections from project planning through to execution across Finland.
Diverse, redundant, and high-speed connectivity to the outside world is crucial for a data center’s operation. The more operators involved, the better the data center’s ability to function and offer a variety of connectivity options to end customers. We conduct comprehensive preliminary assessments and availability inquiries to ensure robust and reliable WAN connections for data centers.
We handle the design of a redundant energy system for the data center according to its space classification, including diesel generators, battery technology, or ring feeds. In the planning of emergency power solutions, we also consider product-specific spare parts requirements and availability, as well as the reliability of the emergency power solution in various fault and failure scenarios.
We identify the key metrics and meters necessary for collecting data that can be used to reduce overall energy consumption, optimize costs, and manage energy effectively. Efficient use of energy in the facility is ensured through effective management of excess heat: any generated waste heat is either sold to an energy company and used for district heating or utilized for heating other facilities within the premises
We assess and identify the appropriate cooling system to manage and cool the heat load produced by the facility’s equipment. During the needs assessment, we determine whether a redundant cooling system, mechanical cooling, or backup cooling solutions are required for the site.

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How can I help you?
Mikko Lahtela has extensive knowledge and experience in the field. He can tailor customer-specific services according to your needs.
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