We offer comprehensive expert services throughout the entire lifecycle of electrical, telecommunications, and lighting infrastructure, always attentive to our clients’ needs. We provide professional services for power grid construction management and supervision, along with other holistic solutions to meet the demanding requirements of the industry. Power grid construction management and supervision are critical components of the process, and we ensure their reliable and high-quality execution.
In the project planning phase of a substation, the justification and costs of the project, as well as alternatives for implementing the substation, are evaluated. Based on the project plan, a more detailed preliminary design is prepared, which serves as the basis for making an informed investment decision
When procuring substation equipment, their technical requirements must be defined to ensure that the acquired device meets the actual needs of the customer. The technical requirements detail the product’s functions, standards, main design parameters, and other requirements that influence the determination of an appropriate product
Familiar calculation quantities for us include equivalent grounding impedances, reduction factors, and calculated induced voltages. The assessments examine the impact of power lines and substations on the surrounding land area, as well as on electrical and telecommunications networks. The assessments present measures that help identify hazardous areas and implement protective actions for them. Based on this information, grounding plans are created
In short circuits, busbar structures and current-carrying conductors are subjected to large mechanical forces. These forces need to be considered when sizing bus systems and their support structures. We carry out short-circuit force calculations for busbar structures using methods compliant with IEC 865-1 standards.
The procurement of a substation requires the preparation and management of various documents. Necessary documents include the request for proposal letter, draft contract agreements, procurement program, procurement responsibility matrix, technical specifications, and preliminary designs. We prepare procurement documents with professionalism and years of experience.
We are responsible for delivery supervision and ensure that the quality, quantity, price, and delivery time of the delivery are met. In case of problems, we will file a complaint with the supplier. While monitoring the implementation, it is important to consider that substations are built for a lifespan of 50 years, which creates certain requirements for the quality and adaptability of the solutions implemented at the station.

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How can I help you?
Olli Kivelä has extensive knowledge and experience in the field. He can tailor customer-specific services according to your needs.
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