We provide comprehensive expert services for electrical, telecommunications, and lighting infrastructure throughout their entire lifecycle, always tailored to the client’s needs. Our team offers professional services and holistic solutions to meet the demanding requirements of the industry. We are a reliable partner ensuring the high-quality execution of every project.
Energy measurement systems may have various error factors beyond the measuring equipment itself. Issues could arise from connections, terminals, or measurement transformers. Despro’s energy measurement service helps prevent such errors. The inspection protocol is always standardized, and results can be compared consistently when measurements are checked regularly. The inspection ensures the quality of the entire measurement chain, from transformers to the coefficients within the measurement system.
The most reliable, easiest, and most accurate measurement results are achieved by inspecting the measurement equipment under operating conditions through on-site field measurements. With the use of portable and highly accurate measuring devices, along with a skilled technician, the inspection is performed directly on-site. The inspection device is connected to the system being measured without the need for power interruptions. A field inspection also provides valuable insights into the nature of the site’s electricity usage, such as reactive power, harmonics, and more
The result of an energy inspection is a comprehensive measurement report, which details the accuracy, coverage, and condition of the metering equipment. If any faults or errors are found in the equipment, they can be addressed immediately. The most crucial aspect, however, is ensuring that energy billing is accurate after the inspection.
We offer electric energy meter calibration services tailored to the needs of power grid companies and industries. The calibration is carried out on a meter test bench, where the power supply unit can provide currents up to 100 Amps. Calibration can be performed for both direct and indirect connection kWh and kVArh meters
Despro provides training for meter installers working with utility companies. The training covers topics such as the design, installation, and inspection of energy metering systems. It can be customized for personnel involved in metering operations, including designers, supervisors, and meter installers. The training includes practical exercises using a measurement center and power supply unit to provide hands-on experience
The load calculator helps you select suitable current transformers for your wiring or calculate whether the load requirement is met with the planned wiring and current transformers.
Suunnitteluohje jakeluverkkojen asiakasmittauksille
Despron laatima suunnitteluohje jakeluverkkojen asiakasmittauksille.
Lataa tästä – Mittausohje Jakeluverkko
Suunnitteluohje teollisuuden ja sähköasemien mittauksille
Despron laatima suunnitteluohje teollisuuden ja sähköasemien mittauksille.

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How can I assist you?
Jukka Heikinheimo has extensive expertise and experience in the field. He can tailor a service to meet your specific needs.
Asiakkaidemme kokemuksia
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Elenian hankinta- ja rakennuttamisjohtaja Jarkko Kohtala kertoo yhteistyöstä Despron kanssa.
Despron palvelut verkkoyhtiölle – Vatajankosken Sähkö
Vatajankosken Rakennuttamispäällikkö Jarno Joensuu kertoo yhteistyöstä Despron kanssa.
Despron palvelut verkkoyhtiölle – Helen
Helen Sähköverkko Oy:n investointipäällikkö Kalle Sato kertoo yhteistyöstä Despron kanssa.