We provide comprehensive expert services throughout the entire lifecycle of electrical, telecommunication, and lighting infrastructure, always attentive to the client’s needs. Our services include professional support for construction management and supervision. Additionally, we offer holistic solutions for other demanding needs in the field. We are a reliable partner that ensures high-quality project execution
We act as the client’s construction manager and supervisor, handling order placements, scheduling, progress tracking, invoice approvals, and reviewing site plans and construction site supervision. We participate in site and project meetings and review contractor documentation. If necessary, we handle complaints and communications with landowners and authorities on behalf of the client. We report on the work according to the agreed-upon practices with the client.
Site supervision involves monitoring the quality and safety of construction and reporting on compliance with the agreed plan to the client. We conduct site inspections according to the agreed plan and perform spot checks as needed. We can also act as the contractor’s mentor and, if necessary, guide contractors on site-related issues and work procedures.
We conduct cable location measurements and inspections with the precision and tools required by our clients. Our equipment includes GNSS and total station technology. During the surveys, we can also determine the installation depth of cables. Surveys and inspections are performed during construction, at project completion, and for updating existing network documentation. We transfer and store the data directly into clients’ systems

contact us
How can I help you?
Mikko Lahtela has extensive knowledge and experience in the field. He can tailor customer-specific services according to your needs.
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