Despro structural engineering team specializes in the implementation of demanding infrastructure projects. The team has decades of experience in designing demanding structures combined with knowledge of the latest design tools in the field. We guarantee on time delivery without compromising highest design quality and cost-effectiveness. Our strengths are complete design solutions (Modeling, drawings, strength calculations) for the following areas:
- Material calculations for the tender phase
- Strength calculations of existing poles and foundations
- Conductor sag-tension calculations
- Foundation design
- Pole design
- Strength calculations
- Distance and swing calculations
- Serviceability limits
- Assembly and part drawings
- Bolt and parts lists (BOM)
- Manufacturing specifications
We apply BIM (Building Information Modeling) approach in the following phases of substation design:
- Layout design
- Civil engineering design
- Drainage plans
- Foundation design
- Steel structure design
- Inventory and renovation models of existing sites

contact us
How can I help you?
Jaakko Rekola has extensive knowledge and experience in the field. He can tailor customer-specific services according to your needs.
Asiakkaidemme kokemuksia
Despron palvelut verkkoyhtiölle – Elenia
Elenian hankinta- ja rakennuttamisjohtaja Jarkko Kohtala kertoo yhteistyöstä Despron kanssa.
Despron palvelut verkkoyhtiölle – Vatajankosken Sähkö
Vatajankosken Rakennuttamispäällikkö Jarno Joensuu kertoo yhteistyöstä Despron kanssa.
Despron palvelut verkkoyhtiölle – Helen
Helen Sähköverkko Oy:n investointipäällikkö Kalle Sato kertoo yhteistyöstä Despron kanssa.